Frequently Asked Questions

What is the weather policy?

We will never cancel class due to rain or cold temperatures. We use weather bug to track lightning and thunder, our threshold is 7 miles. A decision will be made 15 minutes after class starts determining if we will continue. First tee reserves the right to make any decision regarding heat, air quality, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Where do I find golf clubs?

If you are attending first tee classes, we always have free clubs for you child use.

We also have clubs for purchase through our $25 club exchange program. With the one time fee, you can exchange your child’s clubs as they grow. 

If you are looking for gifts we have clubs and bags starting at $50 for purchase. 

How can my child play golf at a free or reduced price?

While attending classes at the First Tee, your child should receive a First Tee Membership card valid for 10 small buckets of balls (1 basket per day). The range card is valid at Heritage Oaks, Lakeview, Ironwood, and Shenvalee. Older golfers will also receive a Players Card allowing them to play 9 or 18 at Heritage Oaks. Photos of the two cards available are posted below for reference.

Youth on Course

Youth on Course is a non-profit organization dedicated to opening doors, supporting dreams and transforming the lives of young people through opportunities on and off the golf course. In order to deliver affordable and accessible golf opportunities, Youth On Course offers junior golfers the opportunity to play rounds for $5 or less at nearly 2,000 participating courses across the US and Canada. 

Heritage Oaks Golf Course is the only local course that participates in Youth On Course; however, if you are interested in viewing other participating course and membership information click here

How do I donate?

There are many ways you can support the mission of The First Tee and help us introduce the game of golf and its inherent values, such as honesty, respect, and confidence, to kids and teens. Please click here to donate!

Donating golfing equipment is another way to help support our chapter. We accept golf clubs, golf bags, golf balls, travel carriers, tees, and golf training aids. Please contact First Tee at 540-437-4239 or [email protected] to arrange drop off or pick up. Our partnered golf courses listed here also function as donation drop off centers. We appreciate your help!