Sparky Cline
Sparky is from Staunton, VA and has a BS degree from JMU. He has been working with First Tee Shenandoah for 2 years now as a lead coach. When he was a child, he was taught the swing, rules, and etiquette of golf by a kind neighbor. The neighbor mentored Sparky and his own son in the game of golf. He grew to love the game, so much so that he decided to devote his free time to becoming involved as a coach with the First Tee. He found it as the perfect way to “pay it forward”, with his goal being to repay the experience with young people from all walks of life. Sparky has been playing golf for close to 50 years. When Sparky was a teen, he was a member of the golf team at Staunton High School. Sparky has also worked for the past 3 years as an assistant coach for his son’s junior ice hockey club in Charlottesville.